It's been a few days since my last post. A rough couple of days. I avoided coming back on here both because this screen hurts my brain, and also because I wasn't in the most pleasant of moods. See, I realized that I'm genuinely not nice, and it was a little tough to swallow. While I'm tolerant in most things, there are times where it just wears and wears until I snap. And in such cases, the majority of my friends know to leave me alone, because I can say some pretty cruel things. While they're usually true, I tend to blurt out the things that I'd never in a million years actually want them to know. So as my welcome back to myself present, I'm posting another bit of writing I did that I actually like. Don't worry, this one's short.
This is the soundtrack of my life,
The one song I cannot seem to write.
Though words they slip from pen to page,
They're never what I mean to say.
Twisting, flowing in my mind,
The thing I cannot seem to find.
A simple, strange, sweet melody,
To lure the words right back to me.
Also, I'm on about page forty of The Fellowship of the Ring. I think I'll be bored until Frodo actually leaves on his quest. However, I will say that I'm enjoying the differences between the book and the movie. Such as the gifts Bilbo leaves for his friends and relations when he departs. Especially the set of silver spoons he left the Sackville-Baggins' in honor of the wife's propensity to steal the spoons when she visits. I thought that was a nice touch. Way to be, J.R.R. [In all honesty, I have no clue what those letters actually stand for. I think I'll have to Google it.]
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