Well, Andy and Yaoyi are married, and I now have a sister-in-law. :] Happy happy joy joy. Her awkwardness shall mesh perfectly with ours.
On another note, it was pointed out to me that I'm a mean person by a person whose opinion I value--though they may not know it--and respect. Though at the time I was unable to make a truthful and coherent reply, I list the following points for yours and her consideration as she cannot interrupt me if I'm not speaking.
1] It's simply my nature. Yes Miss Hoity Toity, you can point out that it is possible for a person to change their nature, but to be frank, I have neither the inclination, nor motivation to go about changing. Especially since you seem to be the only one I'm mean to.
2]Perhaps you simply tire of being the butt of nearly every joke of our childhood. While the rest of us do in fact have our share of goof-ups [i.e. Nautisha vs Nautica] it was simply easier to harrass you when you made the same mistakes we did years ago. Probably to make us feel better about ourselves, but in my case simply because you were a handy and easy mark.
3]This last reason is probably the most accurate, and also the hardest to tell. See, I'm mean because I'm angry. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it's not. I don't even get the correlation half the time, but I'll try and explain so you understand. At heart, I'm a very angry person. I have legitimate reasons to be angry with my circumstances, regardless of how much worse it could be. That being said, I can't take out my anger on people I'd like to [i.e. God and Mom] so you bear more than your own share of the attack. When I'm angry, and I mean really furious, I'm both emotional and cutting. I transform like the Hulk into something we both do not like. And while I agree with you on the fact that this bears closer scrutiny and evaluation, I simply don't have the psychological health to attempt such a feat on my own, especially when you make it so much harder to deal with on regular day. In short, you take the very little good time that I have and turn it into a suckfest of gargantuan proportions. Understand, I'm in no way trying to blame you for the way I am, that is obviously not your fault. I would ask, however that you take into consideration my flaws--as I do yours--and try to adjust yourself accordingly. If not, I'm afraid we're at an impasse, dear, and I must warn you: it gets worse over time.
Sincerely, The Hulk's Better Half.